Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bishop Planetarium at the South Florida Museum Show

First, I am happy to have had the opportunity to view this presentation outside of the normal class environment, I felt more obligated to the task of compartmentalizing what I viewed into a blog post. I had arrived JUST in time to view the introduction of the first clip. It seemed to all go by so fast, partially because all the subject matter was streamed through every possible nook and cranny of my peripheral on a dome screen, causing me to become sucked into a type of hypnotic visual trance. All the media viewed is connected with ambient music in a non-specific genre.
The first installment which consisted of a series of images concentrated onto one section of the dome as if it were a movie. I felt as if this clip was a type of brainwashing introduction. The reason I say “brainwashing” is because of the watermark or underling red, orbiting star like object present throughout the video spanned across several images, of which I can hardly recall. This strikes me as interesting as the star was not constantly present within the video, however it was the most prominent in the piece.
The next article of video footage was of, from what I could tell, clips of old Japanese children's shows, particularly of the giant monster kind. The collage panorama of video footage seemed to work in a strange conjunction with the music. Most of the crowd found this segment comical, yet, I saw it as a strange take on soft core horror/tragedy/action medley, as some of the rear images projected on the dome were of what looked like varying monster faces shot in a scary manner. While on the opposite end were images of children screaming in terror. The end was particularly amusing as the images of the turtle swinging on every screen seemed to dance in a type of synchronized acrobatic act.
This next video I found very interesting and intense. We are placed in the drivers seat of a vehicle that is, for the most part, solid in form throughout the video. The road ahead is clear, yet always changing as we progress through different scenery. However, the scenery around and ahead is anything but clear, yet all to clear at the same time. Its obvious when a tree is above, your head, or a field is to your right, or when you're directed down a curve; yet it all meshes together in a soup in front of you're eyes. The scenery changes with an afterimage effect, similar to as if one were intoxicated or had taken a hallucinogen such as LSD. The audio influenced the video to the point where the more intense the music became, the more distorted the image became, which added to the inebriated effect.
The overall experience tended to rely on audio-visual communication in an odd connected dance which work together. Not to tell a specific story or to come to any specific conclusion. It does however, offer an experience that not all have come to experience. The mere effect of having these images projected on a dome screen is sensational in itself.

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